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Planning Board Minutes 05-12-08
Greenfield Planning Board Minutes
May 12, 2008
Minutes recorded by Gil Morris

7:05 pm - Start of Meeting
Members Present: Carrara, Morris, O’Connell, Steere, Adams.  Greenfield Code Enforcement Officer Peter Hopkins is present.  Steere designated for Borden.

Steere read the minutes from April 28, 2008 meeting. No changes were identified. Adams moves to accept minutes as read, O’Connell seconds.  All in favor, the motion passes.

7:10 pm - Mail
LGC, Right to Know Information.
NHDES regarding CMRC Alteration of Terrain Permit for trails.

7:20 pm – Brooke Leasing and Development OSD Update
James Hawkins from Brooke Leasing and Development and Chad Branon from Meridian Land Services attended. Carrara read applicable sections from the March 24, 2008 minutes.  Discussion ensued regarding conditional approval items.  The Homeowner’s Agreement and the Cistern Easement are currently with Town Counsel.

Fletcher arrives at 7:35 pm.

Morris moves that final approval be granted for Ryan’s Farm Development  and that no building permits be issued until all legal documents are recorded, Steere seconds.  All voted in favor except Fletcher who abstained.  Motion passes.

Discussion ensued regarding road inspections and escrow.  The Board will get estimates from several engineering companies to inspect the road construction. Brooke Leasing and Development will provide a schedule for road development and an estimated cost for the top, tar, wear coat.

8:12 pm – Discussion of Future Issues
Topics mentioned are:
Commercial zoning
Subdivision regulation changes
Institutional zoning
Open space development regulations
Driveway regulations
Subdivisions of 7 or more lots needing fire suppression water source
The Board agreed to review the driveway, common driveway, and road regulations at the next meeting.

8:38 pm – ZBA Notice of Appeal, case #08-3
O’Connell presented a notice of appeal before the ZBA. He would like the Board to comment. The consensus of the board is to recommend approval of the variance for the following reasons:
It is consistent with the character of the neighboring houses.
It is consistent with the relative setbacks of the neighboring houses.
It is a preexisting, nonconforming lot.

8:55 pm – End of meeting
Adams moves to adjourn, Morris seconds.  All in favor.